A conversation about Oxymoron
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Explanation / Definition : An oxymoron is like a funny way of putting two words together that don’t usually go together. It’s like saying something is “big small” or “happy sad.” Even though the words are opposites, when we put them together, they make a special kind of sense. It’s a playful way to talk and helps us think about things in a new way.
Kwesi: Hey Linh, did you see that interview with Vietnamese designer, Vy, last night?
Linh: (Smiling) Oh my gosh, Kwesi, you wouldn’t believe it! I was glued to the TV.
Kwesi: Really? What was it about?
Linh: It was incredible! She was talking about using surprising combinations in her new collection, you know, like “opposites together” they call them in English, like an Oxymoron.
Kwesi: Opposites together? Oxymoron ? You mean where you put opposite words together?
Linh: Exactly! Like a burning snowflake or silent scream.
Kwesi: Burning snowflake? That’s a wild image!
Linh: Right? She said it was about capturing the beauty of something unexpected, like a delicate flower pushing through concrete.
Kwesi: Deep! So how’d she translate that into clothes?
Linh: She was showing these amazing dresses made from fabric that felt smooth as silk yet looked tough and long-lasting. Kind of like a gentle warrior vibe.
Kwesi: Gentle warrior, huh? Sounds interesting!
Linh: (Laughs) Maybe a bit! But it totally worked. She even had these jackets that were both really light and surprisingly warm, a kind of cool fire kind of thing.
Kwesi: Cool fire? This Vy is getting creative!
Linh: I know, right? It makes you think about clothes in a whole new way. Like, clothes can be both beautiful and practical, soft yet strong.
Kwesi: That’s true. It reminds me of how we have these special cloths back home in Ghana. They’re so bright and colorful, but also incredibly strong and wear for years. A real happy surprise, you know?
Linh: Happy surprise? I love that! It’s like you’re celebrating life’s unexpected combinations.
Kwesi: Exactly! Maybe Vy was inspired by something similar. The world is full of these interesting opposites, wouldn’t you say?
Linh: Absolutely! Like the way a busy city can feel peaceful at night, or a quiet song can be strangely energetic.
Kwesi: You’re on a roll, Linh! Maybe we should start a blog dedicated to finding these opposites in everyday life.
Linh: (Laughs) A blog called “Surprise Mix”? I love it!
Kwesi: Perfect! We could even look at fashion trends through the lens of opposites. Think of the possibilities!
Linh: This is getting exciting, Kwesi. We could even interview other designers and see how they use surprising combinations in their work.
Kwesi: Now you’re talking! The world of fashion might never be the same with a little use of Oxymoron.
Linh: (Smiling) Well, maybe not the same, but definitely more interesting. Listen, I gotta head out and meet my aunt, but let’s definitely brainstorm more ideas for this blog later, okay?
Kwesi: Absolutely! This is just the beginning. Until next time, Linh!
Linh: Until next time, Kwesi! And keep your eyes peeled for some more “cool fire” fashion finds!
You have learned 13 Oxymorons. Create your own as well
Burning snowflake, silent scream, delicate flower pushing through concrete, smooth as silk yet tough, gentle warrior, cool fire, beautiful and practical, soft yet strong, happy surprise, busy city can feel peaceful, quiet song can be strangely energetic, Surprise Mix, cool fire
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