Iron Shark and enemy at the sea
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Captain Maeve slammed her fist on the sub’s metal table. “Weeks stuck in this tin can, patrolling nothing!” The Sargasso Sea stretched before them, an endless blue desert. Maeve, a woman known for bold moves, hated this dull mission.
Suddenly, Liam, the new cryptographer (someone who decodes messages), rushed in. “Captain, trouble!” His voice shook. “Encrypted message. Mentions a ‘Leviathan.'” Maeve’s gut clenched. Leviathan – a mythical sea monster, or a terrifying new weapon?
Days blurred. The air grew thick, food ran low, and the crew grew edgy. Liam became obsessed. He mumbled about the Leviathan message, his eyes shadowed. Maeve, worried, dismissed it as stress.
Then, another message crackled through. It was clear – a traitor was onboard! Panic clawed at Maeve’s throat. Who could it be? She glared at Liam, but he was frantic. “The Leviathan is real! It’s a weapon hidden in the Sargasso Sea!”
A tremor rocked the Iron Shark. Red lights pulsed, alarms shrieked. An enemy ship sliced through the fog, drawn by the weapon’s dark energy. Maeve barked orders, the crew scrambling.
Sweat beaded on Liam’s forehead as he decoded the final message. The Leviathan wasn’t a weapon, but a monstrous machine controlled by rogue (uncontrolled and dangerous) scientists! It lurked beneath the Sargasso Sea, ready to attack!
With a daring dive, Maeve steered the Iron Shark through a maze of seaweed. It scraped the hull, threatening to tear it apart. Liam, fuelled by terror, raced to disable the machine’s control system. Above, the enemy ship unleashed a torpedo barrage (a concentrated artillery bombardment).
Just as the torpedoes slammed into the Iron Shark, Liam’s fingers flew across the console. With a final click, the Leviathan‘s power died. The enemy ship, confused, retreated into the fog.
The Iron Shark, battered but alive, limped to the surface. Relief washed over Maeve, but it was short-lived. The traitor had vanished, and the scientists behind the Leviathan were still out there.
The Sargasso Sea held its secrets, but the crew of the Iron Shark had won this battle. Maeve, a newfound respect for Liam burning in her eyes, knew the war for the sea had just begun.
English words you learned or Revised
Cryptographer (someone who decodes messages), Leviathan (a mythical sea monster or a terrifying new weapon), Lurked (remained hidden to wait in ambush), Monstrous (very large and scary), Rogue (uncontrolled and dangerous), Maze (a network of paths and hedges designed as a puzzle), Disable (render unable to function), Barrage (a concentrated artillery bombardment), Blurred (become indistinct and hazy in outline), Edgy (tense, nervous, or irritable), Obsession (an idea or thought that continually preoccupies a person’s mind), Frantic (distraught with fear or anxiety), Scrambling (move hurriedly or clumsily), Retreated (withdraw from enemy forces as a result of their superior power or after a defeat), Vanished (disappear suddenly and completely).
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