The story of Nikola Tesla
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Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, Croatia on July 10, 1856. Growing up, Tesla studied in various places in Europe including Germany, Austria, and Prague. He started working in Budapest.
In Budapest, he tinkered with inventions, sparking the idea for the alternating current motor. Though unrecognized then, this invention would ultimately change the world. Nikola Tesla was an astute (sharp-witted) inventor and his mind was always buzzing with perceptive (observant) ideas.
At age 28, in 1884, he decided to move to the U.S. and started working for Thomas Edison, another famous inventor. Tesla indeed was talented improved design for his DC dynamos. When Edison refused to pay Tesla for his work, Tesla decided to leave and pursue his own journey as an inventor. There were inherent (fundamental) differences as well, Tesla believed in alternating current (AC), while Edison supported direct current (DC). This led to a famous rivalry known as the War of the currents.
Tesla’s experiments with AC were groundbreaking. AC power could travel over long distances more efficiently than DC. Despite Edison’s dogmatic (stubbornly held) views, Tesla’s AC system proved better.
With the help of George Westinghouse, an investor, (brings money) Tesla built the first AC power plant. This was a momentous (very important) achievement. It showed the world that AC was the future of electricity. This was a turning point. Tesla’s success was a big blow to Edison. He was awarded about 300 patents for his inventions.
He also created the Tesla coil, which could transmit electricity without wires. This astute (sharp-witted) invention amazed many people. It was both innovative (new and creative) and practical.
In 1895, Tesla’s lab burned down in New York, which destroyed most of his work including notes, designs, patents and inventions. After the trauma of losing everything, Tesla moved to Colorado Springs. During this time, Tesla thought of the idea of a world-wireless-network for communication. He also experimented with X-rays as well and also proposed a World Telegraphy System.
He made possible of transmitting messages across the world without wires. This idea was the foundation of modern radio. Even though Guglielmo Marconi initially received credit, Tesla was later vindicated (proved right).
Despite his brilliant mind, Tesla faced many challenges. He often had frivolous (not serious) projects and lived a frugal (economical) life. His ideas were sometimes considered insipid (dull) and too advanced for his time.
In his last years, Tesla focused on more intermittent (sporadic) projects. He even tried to create a machine to communicate with aliens. Many of these ideas were seen as quirky (odd). He lived in a New York hotel, His mental health deteriorated and it is said that he spent his final years talking to the city’s pigeons. In spite of so many patents, Tesla never received a Nobel Prize, but his legacy as a visionary inventor who revolutionized electricity & communication is undeniable.
Tesla died alone in 1943. He faced penury (poverty) but left behind a legacy of innovation. His staunch (loyal) belief in AC power changed the world. Today, Tesla is remembered as a virtuoso (accomplished) inventor whose perceptive (observant) mind revolutionized technology.
English words your learned and Revised
astute (sharp-witted), perceptive (observant), inherent (fundamental), dogmatic (stubbornly held), momentous (very important), investor (brings money), innovative (new and creative), astute (sharp-witted), frivolous (not serious), frugal (economical), insipid (dull), intermittent (sporadic), penury (poverty), staunch (loyal), virtuoso (accomplished), perceptive (observant).
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